Source code for pyefd

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A Python implementation of the method described in [#a]_ and [#b]_ for
calculating Fourier coefficients for characterizing
closed contours.


.. [#a] F. P. Kuhl and C. R. Giardina, “Elliptic Fourier Features of a
   Closed Contour," Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing,
   Vol. 18, pp. 236-258, 1982.

.. [#b] Oivind Due Trier, Anil K. Jain and Torfinn Taxt, “Feature Extraction
   Methods for Character Recognition - A Survey”, Pattern Recognition
   Vol. 29, No.4, pp. 641-662, 1996

Created by hbldh <> on 2016-01-30.


from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np

    _range = xrange
except NameError:
    _range = range

[docs]def elliptic_fourier_descriptors(contour, order=10, normalize=False): """Calculate elliptical Fourier descriptors for a contour. :param numpy.ndarray contour: A contour array of size ``[M x 2]``. :param int order: The order of Fourier coefficients to calculate. :param bool normalize: If the coefficients should be normalized; see references for details. :return: A ``[order x 4]`` array of Fourier coefficients. :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` """ dxy = np.diff(contour, axis=0) dt = np.sqrt((dxy ** 2).sum(axis=1)) t = np.concatenate([([0., ]), np.cumsum(dt)]) T = t[-1] phi = (2 * np.pi * t) / T coeffs = np.zeros((order, 4)) for n in _range(1, order + 1): const = T / (2 * n * n * np.pi * np.pi) phi_n = phi * n d_cos_phi_n = np.cos(phi_n[1:]) - np.cos(phi_n[:-1]) d_sin_phi_n = np.sin(phi_n[1:]) - np.sin(phi_n[:-1]) a_n = const * np.sum((dxy[:, 0] / dt) * d_cos_phi_n) b_n = const * np.sum((dxy[:, 0] / dt) * d_sin_phi_n) c_n = const * np.sum((dxy[:, 1] / dt) * d_cos_phi_n) d_n = const * np.sum((dxy[:, 1] / dt) * d_sin_phi_n) coeffs[n - 1, :] = a_n, b_n, c_n, d_n if normalize: coeffs = normalize_efd(coeffs) return coeffs
[docs]def normalize_efd(coeffs, size_invariant=True): """Normalizes an array of Fourier coefficients. See [#a]_ and [#b]_ for details. :param numpy.ndarray coeffs: A ``[n x 4]`` Fourier coefficient array. :param bool size_invariant: If size invariance normalizing should be done as well. Default is ``True``. :return: The normalized ``[n x 4]`` Fourier coefficient array. :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` """ # Make the coefficients have a zero phase shift from # the first major axis. Theta_1 is that shift angle. theta_1 = 0.5 * np.arctan2( 2 * ((coeffs[0, 0] * coeffs[0, 1]) + (coeffs[0, 2] * coeffs[0, 3])), ((coeffs[0, 0] ** 2) - (coeffs[0, 1] ** 2) + (coeffs[0, 2] ** 2) - (coeffs[0, 3] ** 2))) # Rotate all coefficients by theta_1. for n in _range(1, coeffs.shape[0] + 1): coeffs[n - 1, :] = np.array([[coeffs[n - 1, 0], coeffs[n - 1, 1]], [coeffs[n - 1, 2], coeffs[n - 1, 3]]]), np.array([[np.cos(n * theta_1), -np.sin(n * theta_1)], [np.sin(n * theta_1), np.cos(n * theta_1)]])).flatten() # Make the coefficients rotation invariant by rotating so that # the semi-major axis is parallel to the x-axis. psi_1 = np.arctan2(coeffs[0, 2], coeffs[0, 0]) psi_rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(psi_1), np.sin(psi_1)], [-np.sin(psi_1), np.cos(psi_1)]]) # Rotate all coefficients by -psi_1. for n in _range(1, coeffs.shape[0] + 1): coeffs[n - 1, :] = np.array([[coeffs[n - 1, 0], coeffs[n - 1, 1]], [coeffs[n - 1, 2], coeffs[n - 1, 3]]])).flatten() if size_invariant: # Obtain size-invariance by normalizing. coeffs /= np.abs(coeffs[0, 0]) return coeffs
[docs]def calculate_dc_coefficients(contour): """Calculate the :math:`A_0` and :math:`C_0` coefficients of the elliptic Fourier series. :param numpy.ndarray contour: A contour array of size ``[M x 2]``. :return: The :math:`A_0` and :math:`C_0` coefficients. :rtype: tuple """ dxy = np.diff(contour, axis=0) dt = np.sqrt((dxy ** 2).sum(axis=1)) t = np.concatenate([([0., ]), np.cumsum(dt)]) T = t[-1] xi = np.cumsum(dxy[:, 0]) - (dxy[:, 0] / dt) * t[1:] A0 = (1 / T) * np.sum(((dxy[:, 0] / (2 * dt)) * np.diff(t ** 2)) + xi * dt) delta = np.cumsum(dxy[:, 1]) - (dxy[:, 1] / dt) * t[1:] C0 = (1 / T) * np.sum(((dxy[:, 1] / (2 * dt)) * np.diff(t ** 2)) + delta * dt) # A0 and CO relate to the first point of the contour array as origin. # Adding those values to the coefficients to make them relate to true origin. return contour[0, 0] + A0, contour[0, 1] + C0
[docs]def plot_efd(coeffs, locus=(0., 0.), image=None, contour=None, n=300): """Plot a ``[2 x (N / 2)]`` grid of successive truncations of the series. .. note:: Requires `matplotlib <>`_! :param numpy.ndarray coeffs: ``[N x 4]`` Fourier coefficient array. :param list, tuple or numpy.ndarray locus: The :math:`A_0` and :math:`C_0` elliptic locus in [#a]_ and [#b]_. :param int n: Number of points to use for plotting of Fourier series. """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print("Cannot plot: matplotlib was not installed.") return N = coeffs.shape[0] N_half = int(np.ceil(N / 2)) n_rows = 2 t = np.linspace(0, 1.0, n) xt = np.ones((n,)) * locus[0] yt = np.ones((n,)) * locus[1] for n in _range(coeffs.shape[0]): xt += (coeffs[n, 0] * np.cos(2 * (n + 1) * np.pi * t)) + \ (coeffs[n, 1] * np.sin(2 * (n + 1) * np.pi * t)) yt += (coeffs[n, 2] * np.cos(2 * (n + 1) * np.pi * t)) + \ (coeffs[n, 3] * np.sin(2 * (n + 1) * np.pi * t)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((n_rows, N_half), (n // N_half, n % N_half)) ax.set_title(str(n + 1)) if contour is not None: ax.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], 'c--', linewidth=2) ax.plot(yt, xt, 'r', linewidth=2) if image is not None: ax.imshow(image,